Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

As I think of what this new year may hold, I can't help but think back. Indulge me a bit as I reminisce.

1991 - 20 years ago (can you believe it!?) I was in the middle of my senior year in high school. It was a great year - probably my best school year ever. I spent the summer in Alabama working at a Christian camp. Got a lot of sun and met some cool people and had a blast! Went to Rosedale Bible Institute (yes, that was before it was a College) and met my future husband. Made some lifelong friends.

2001 - 10 years ago - Our country had a controversial presidential election finally come to a close. My hubby and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. 9-11. Don't need to say much more about that.

2011 - present - Who knows? I pray for a good year. A year that will be full of life and love and blessing - to and from my dear Father in Heaven.

I'm not much of a "resolution" maker, but I do like to set goals. This year I only have a couple, but they're pretty loaded:

  • Get to know my God on a much more intimate level. He loves me and I want to get to know that love even more!
  • Get healthy - including losing weight and eating healthier.
  • Get organized - including de-cluttering! de-piling! and just plain organized!
That's it. Seems like I should be able to accomplish that. I like setting myself up for success, not failure. Here's to a wonderful 2011!